Professional Consulting Services

What we do for our clients

our expertise


Data Analysis Operation

OSINT, Due Diligence Intelligence, Mapping Cyber Incidents including frauds

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Information Security Services

A wide spectrum of our experts capabilities is allowing us to give our clients solutions in the following subjects : ss7 security and vulnerability assessment , GSM prevention , malware prevention and detection including scada,mobile phones ,servers ,web applications, etc.

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Software Development

Our experience during 25 years is a key to develop and integrate many systems such as big data AI BI, advertisement marketing

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Financial Intelligence

Our experts have experience in complicated frauds related to financial incidents , we use top technologies in order to locate the bank accounts,assets,real estate , crypto wallets ,sources of income , bonds , stocks and much more

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Overseas Asset Tracing

Our special service combines between the technologies to a special dedicated team who works with top notch technologies and who is able to find in an extraordinary way , precious and valuable products that were disappeared to our clients - what do we trace ? containers , jewellery , sensitive data storage , vehicles , trucks , containers , vessels

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VIP Digital Protection Services

Among intelligence we provide a full suite of services including body guards from the highest level ( US navy seals , security services experts ) , we provide technology to detect surveillance and we provide a wide spectrum of counter measurements to the clients : digital protection for car surveillance ( KTIP ) , mobile phone intrusion detection , TSCM ( Technical surveillance counter measurement ) to detect malicious GPS,bugs , hidden microphones/cameras . We provide special training as well including a seminar to the vip and his key persons , and among this service we open his knowledge and understanding to the risks he is exposed to.

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